Zenecom – High quality Supplement food products

Zenecom is one of the first food products supplement companies to introduce stem cell technology to the market.
We strongly believe a supplement of this nature is the key to illness prevention and health recovery.
As a person ages and is exposed to bad elements in the environment, our cells deteriorate and our DNA corrupts.
The body has inherited ability to re-generate and we believe this re-generative ability that brings us back to good health against bad elements.
Through our extensive research and development partners around the world,
we are able to bring to consumers high quality supplement food products that help recovering our body’s re-generative ability and promote healthier life
Best Berries Fiber Drink

Best Berries Fiber Drink is a completely dissolvable, premeasured, single-serving fiber supplement. Its key ingredients include Psyllium Husk, bilberry extract, and wheatgrass powder. This perfectly balanced ingredient not only provides you with your daily supplementary fiber needs, but also promotes detox

Triple stem cell collagen powder uses stem cell nano-technology to help you repair cells on a DNA level. Throughout our extensive studies, we have found out the Swiss apple growing at the foot of the northern Swiss alps have special ability to preserve itself after being harvested. As well, our collagen drink contains Marine placenta, which is salmon ovary peptide. This element has powerful anti-aging properties.
Bone Health Drink

The collagen type 2, seaweed calcium and other rich minerals in Bone Health Drink foster
skeletal growth and repair the meniscus tissues by replenishing cartilage at the joints. The Drink improves bone density and overall health as it maximizes calcium absorption in the human body.
If you want to know more about zenecom products, please visit zenecom.com for more information.